Author Information & Guidelines

SKINmed® journal is a peer-reviewed, controlled circulation publication which is indexed in Index Medicus, is available online at MEDLINE, and has related contributions found on MEDSCAPE.


The corresponding author should submit the manuscript as an e-mail attachment to the Editor-in-Chief @ and should assemble all items for submission prior to initiating the process:

  1. Title.
  2. Corresponding author's contact information.
  3. 3-5 Keywords.
  4. Information on any invitation/request concerning the manuscript.
  5. Signed permission from all authors to enable the corresponding author to meet all of the requirements for copyright transfer, when applicable.
  6. Permissions in writing from the copyright holder for any tables, figures, images, and illustrations used in the manuscript.
  7. Manuscript, including all references, in Microsoft Word format.
  8. Figures not embedded with the manuscript.
  9. Tables in Microsoft Word format only.


Submissions usually fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Case Study: up to 1500 words and 15 references (no abstract).
  2. Core Curriculum: up to 8000 words and up to 100 references plus an unstructured abstract of 100 - 200 words. The contribution may be divided into several portions, when appropriate.
  3. Editorial or Commentary: up to 1500 words and 15 references (no abstract).
  4. Letter to the Editor: up to 600 words (no abstract).
  5. Original Contribution: 2500-4000 words and 25-50 references plus an unstructured abstract of 100 - 200 words.
  6. Review: up to 4000 words and up to 70 references plus an unstructured abstract of 100 - 200 words.
The following guidelines apply to submitted artwork:
  1. Each item of artwork should be accompanied by a legend and cited within the body of the manuscript.
  2. Photographs of a patient should be accompanied by a completed consent form signed by the patient, if the patient can be identified.
  3. Artwork should be provided at 300 dpi, preferably at 600 dpi.


References: SKINmed style has been adapted from the AMA Style Guide, 10th Edition Section 2.12. If using EndNote, there is SKiNmed formatting in the program. References should be cited numerically in the text (do not use letters); unpublished material and personal communications should be cited directly within the body of the manuscript and not in the reference list. References are listed at the end of the manuscript and not in footnote form. The author is solely responsible for the accuracy of references and their use.

Examples include:

  • Parish LC, Witkowski JA. The bedbugs never left. Skinmed. 2004;3:69-70.
  • Kundakci N, Tursen U, Babiker MO, et al. The evaluation of the sociodemographic and clinical features of Turkish psoriasis patients. Int J Dermatol. 2002;41:220-224.
  • Ruocco V. Citodiagnostica Dermatologica. In: Giannetti A, ed.Trattato di Dermatologia. 2nd ed. Padova, Italy: Piccin NuovaLibraria; 2007:1-17.
  • US to tackle resurgent bed bugs. BBC News Online. Accessed August 13, 2010.

Acknowledgments: These should be listed at the end of the manuscript and include all relevant information (full names of institutions, companies, and individuals with academic degrees).

Acronyms: Acronyms should be spelled out within the body of text the first time used.

Financial Disclosure: A statement of financial disclosure should be given at the end of the manuscript. It should include specifics on financial or proprietary interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript, e.g., employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or honoraria. All funding or financial support for the paper received through grants or sponsorship should also be revealed.

Pharmaceuticals: Drugs and devices should be referred to by the United States generic name, rather than the trade name, where possible.

Tables: All tables should be both created and submitted in Microsoft Word format, using the Tables menu and placing all data in the appropriate cell.