Teresa Oranges, MD

Doctor Oranges received her medical degree from the University of Pisa, Italy in 2011 and took her dermatology residency also at the University of Pisa. She has had a pediatric dermatology fellowship at Bambino Gesù Children Hospital in Rome and a dermatology fellowship at the University of Miami.  She is currently a pediatric dermatologist at the Anna Meyer Children’s University Hospital in Florence and a PhD candidate at the University of Pisa.

She has participated as a sub-investigator for several clinical trials focused on atopic dermatitis, the use of ultrasound in dermatology, and hidradenitis suppurativa. Her principal research interests include pediatric dermatology, ultrasound, vascular anomalies, and the tissue repair of chronic wounds. She is the first author or co-author of several papers and chapters in international books focused on her areas of research. Doctor Oranges is the vice-president of the International School of Tissue Repair (SIRTES) and a founding member of the International Society of Cutaneous Ultrasound (ISCU).